Media Borough is implementing the plans, mandated by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, to install hydrodynamic separators at two locations in town. The first location is 3rd and West Street, which will capture flow from the western edge of Media and cause the stormwater to be pre-treated before it makes its way to the watercourses within Glen Providence Park. The second location, at Front Street, north of Barrall Field, will pre-treat flow from the eastern area of town. Flow then routes through the Borough's storm sewer system to the outfall along Jefferson Street. The facilities are part of the Borough's adopted 'Pollutant Reduction Plan' to remove sediment prior to the discharge into the headwaters of Ridley Creek. Most communities in Delaware County have adopted similar programs in an effort to satisfy the requirements of the 'Clean Water Act' which was enacted to protect aquatic habitat and enhance stream quality.